People living with mental health condition are standing up to say enough to stigmatization, isolation and marginalization

People living with mental health condition are standing up to say enough to stigmatization, isolation and marginalization
TANCDA organized a focus group discussion with 5 participants with mental health conditions in Dar es Salaam. The aim was to gather challenges, needs, asks and their comments to the draft agenda of people living with NCDs
People living with mental conditions are ready to raise awareness and educate the community about mental illness warning signs and symptoms. We are ready to work together to educate the public about mental illness
“What People with Mental health conditions want the community and government to know”.
 People with mental illness are
o marginalized,
o isolated and
o discriminated
It’s is not their fault because little is known about mental health illness, it is misunderstood by the general public.
We are ready to raise the voices using our lived experience to talk about some of the conditions and symptoms that are most misunderstood.
Our goal is to help people understand the complexities of mental illness.
TANCDA mission is to inform the government and general public using the voices of people with lived experienced to increase acceptance and compassion for those who are struggling.
By amplifying the voices of people with lived experience during focus group discussion we hope to increase awareness, empathy and compassion for those with mental illness. We will be advocating for better access to quality mental health care using social media and media houses during Global week for action on NCDs.

People living with mental health condition are standing up to say enough to stigmatization, isolation and marginalization