The Global Week for Action on NCDs aims to slow the increasing burden of NCDs, thanks to the contributions of people everywhere. Actions can be big or small - the power of the Global Week for Action comes through collaboration across countries and sectors towards a common goal: reducing preventable death and illness and increasing health and equity around the world.

Each year from 2020 to 2025, the Global Week for Action on NCDs will raise awareness about NCDs while focusing on a specific theme. 2024-2025 is the Time to lead! We are communicating that we have only a small window of time to make real progress on NCDs. The fourth High-level meeting of the UN General Assembly on the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases and the promotion of mental health and well-being to take place on 25 September 2025 is where leaders’ pledges must become reality.  

It’s time to move from words to action. Together we can spark the necessary change for NCDs. It’s time to lead. 

The Time to Lead is now

What is the Global Week for Action

NCDs are currently the #1 cause of death and disability in the world, and the burden is disproportionately severe in low- and middle-income countries, where four out of five people with an NCD live. The Global Week for Action on NCDs aims to unite the NCD movement each year under a specific theme, concentrating our combined efforts with the aim of reducing the NCD burden globally and increasing health and equality. Join the movement!

The Origins of the Global Week for Action

The Global Week for Action on NCDs was first organised in 2018 ahead of the UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs, when the NCD movement was mobilised to say ENOUGH to preventable death and illness from NCDs. People living with NCDs, high-level champions and hundreds of advocates from NCDA’s network of supporters, members, national and regional alliances, as well as individuals demanded “our health, our right, right now”. The second Week for Action in 2019 also took place under the umbrella of the ENOUGH campaign, and built on a momentous first year.

moving from ENOUGH... to Action!

Starting in 2020 and continuing until the fourth UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs in 2025, the Global Week for Action on NCDs campaign focuses on bridging the biggest gaps to progress on NCDs: Accountability, Investment, Leadership, Community Engagement and Care. Each year is dedicated to one of them - starting with Accountability - and with specific actions suggested to strengthen collaboration across the NCD movement.

The campaign is calling on everyone to get involved - no action is too small; no voice is insignificant. There are many actions you can take, from creating your own message for social media or writing a letter to your Minister of Health, to convening an NCD alliance in your country or region. The Global Week for Action on NCDs is an opportunity for all of us to take a step towards a world where everyone enjoys equal rights to health.