If you're a journalist or media professional who would like an interview, please contact:

  • Michael Kessler NCD Alliance media consultant

  • Jimena Marquez NCD Alliance Communications Director

If you’d like information, quotes or events to cover, please read on.

The Global Week for Action on NCDs is a global campaign led by the NCD Alliance - uniting civil society, relevant private sector organisations, NGOs, decisionmakers and people living with chronic illnesses (NCDs) around a specific theme.

Explore more about NCDs and this year's care theme and get access to resources for your news story below.


Facts about NCDs and leadership

Seven of the top ten causes of death globally are noncommunicable diseases, or NCDs. They include cancers, cardiovascular disease, stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, mental health and neurological conditions, and chronic kidney disease, among many others.

A staggering 41 million people die every year due to NCD, accounting for 74% of all deaths worldwide. Annual deaths from NCDs are projected to escalate to 52 million by 2030. Although the burden is universal, low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are hit the hardest, with over 85% of premature deaths between the ages of 30-70 from NCDs occurring in poorer countries. This makes NCDs  far more than a health issue – they are a major human rights and equity issue, as they disproportionately burden the poorest and most vulnerable populations with disease, disability and death.

Scaling up and accelerating action on NCDs should be seen as the fulfilment of a promise by governments. Every UN Member State committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, pledging to deliver health and wellbeing for all, achieve universal health coverage, and build a more prosperous, equitable and sustainable world.  

NCDs are integrated throughout the SDGs, and have their own target, 3.4, to reduce premature mortality from NCDs by one third by 2030. We now need to see these commitments transformed into action through true leadership.  

Leadership on NCDs means taking bold action to put the health and wellbeing of people and planet first, ahead of the interests of powerful multi-national corporations from health-harming industries like fossil fuels, ultra-processed foods, tobacco and alcohol. It means following through on commitments made with the policies and investments that are required to achieve them – and doing it now.  

We know what works to make progress on NCDs, and all countries – even those which have few resources – can save lives and money by putting the right policies in place. There is no excuse for continued inaction.

We need leaders to step up and be among the trailblazers who are walking the talk, who can be part of the critical mass that is needed to turn the tide on avoidable suffering and death caused by NCDs. 

The ability to enjoy the best health possible is a human right, but not everyone is able to see this right fulfilled. In fact, most cannot. At least half of the world’s population does not currently have full coverage of basic health services.  Most of these people live in low- and middle-income countries. And if it is difficult to see a doctor and be treated for a relatively simple illness, imagine trying to get quality care for a noncommunicable disease, which often requires expensive long-term or lifelong treatment. These are just a few statistics that highlight the urgent need for leadership on NCDs:

  • Half of adults living with diabetes are unable to access the insulin they need – in sub-Saharan Africa this number is one in seven;  
  • Hypertension is only under medical control for one in five people globally;  
  • Chronic kidney disease tends to go untreated, with up to 90% of cases undiagnosed until lifesaving dialysis or a transplant is needed, which is unavailable or inaccessible for many people especially in LMICs;
  • More than 90% of cancer patients in low-income countries lack access to radiotherapy.

The most common reason that people cannot access quality care is cost. Many people in LMICs do not have health coverage, or their coverage is too limited, so they are forced to pay for care out-of-pocket. Millions of people are pushed into extreme poverty each year due to out-of-pocket payments for healthcare. Many more die from treatable diseases because they cannot afford to pay for care.  

However, there are other barriers to care as well. Many times, people live too far from health centres to realistically visit them when needed, especially if regular care is required. Other times, services are simply not available, or are too low-quality to be effective. For instance, 47% of the global population (3.8 billion), and 81% in low- and lower-middle income countries, have little to no access to core diagnostic tools, including laboratory diagnostics and diagnostic imaging. 8.6 million avoidable deaths occur each year due to low quality or underused care in LMICs.  

Leaders need to prioritize health equity through people-centred care that includes all NCDs. Beyond health, NCDs are a matter of human rights and justice.  

NCDs cause death and disability, and they are both a cause and a consequence of poverty, destroying the economies of millions of families each year and costing trillions to national governments.

Catastrophic expenses due to out-of-pocket payments for health push an estimated 100 million people worldwide into extreme poverty every year. COVID-19 and its containment measures have exacerbated these inequities and created new vulnerabilities. National and global economies are being depleted by the direct and indirect costs of NCDs too. Annual GDP losses range from 3.5% – 5.9%, and the amount it will have cost developing countries alone between 2011 and 2025 will be $7 trillion dollars, equivalent to the combined GDP of France, Spain and Germany last year.

In total the five leading NCDs – cardiovascular disease (CVD), chronic respiratory disease, cancer, diabetes and mental health conditions – have been estimated to cost US$47 trillion between 2011-2030, an average of more than US$2 trillion per year. The unequitable human toll of NCDs is reason enough for urgent action, but the economic impacts underscore that the world cannot afford to neglect NCDs any longer.  

The cost of inaction on NCDs is far greater than the investment required. We know how to invest wisely and effectively in NCD prevention and management – it’s time for governments to put their money where their mouths are to save and improve the lives of millions. 

All countries – and especially LMICs – can achieve or nearly achieve SDG 3.4, saving 39 million lives by 2030, by introducing a cost-effective package of NCD prevention and treatment interventions.

The WHO Best Buys are among the most effective NCD interventions – that is, they are affordable for all countries and guarantee a big return on investment in lives and money saved.

More specifically, the Best Buys are set of 16 NCD interventions which focus on preventing NCDs by addressing the major NCD risk factors – tobacco use, alcohol use, unhealthy diets and inadequate physical activity – and management of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cervical cancer. These interventions require on average an additional US$0.84 per year, per person in LMICs, with a return of US$7 for every dollar invested.

A 2022 analysis fully aligned with and building on the WHO Best Buys looked at a broader package of 21 NCD prevention and treatment interventions that can form the backbone of effective national NCD strategies. The analysis revealed that nearly all countries can still achieve SDG

3.4 by 2030 by implementing locally tailored packages of cost-effective NCD interventions. Implementing this set of interventions will require, on average, an additional US$18 billion annually over 2023–30; and is projected to avert 39 million deaths in LMICs and generate an average net economic benefit of $2·7 trillion, or $390 per capita. The economic benefits of this package outweigh costs by 19:1.

It’s time for a bold new perspective that values and measures human and planetary health and wellbeing, rather than short term economic gains. We can create a fairer and healthier world by implementing evidence-based solutions for tackling NCDs. 

The United Nations General Assembly, the main decision-making body of the UN representing all 193 Member States and governments, calls a United Nations High-Level Meeting (UN HLM) to focus on specific issues that require global political dialogue. There have been three UN HLMs on NCDs.  In September 2025 there will be a fourth HLM on NCDs which will focus on renewing commitments and accelerating actions to prevent and control NCDs by 2030.

UN HLMs serve to increase awareness of an issue and to build consensus and commitment on the way forward. A UN HLM will result in a consensus statement such as a political declaration, outcome document or statement which all UN Member States commit to.

Civil society works to influence these statements; so do health-harming industries. This is why we need everyone to get involved and act on NCDs. See how you can Take Action. 

NCDA is calling on governments ahead of the UN HLM to create a fairer and healthier world by implementing evidence-based solutions for tackling NCDs. We need leadership to turn government commitments into reality now. These are our five priorities:

  • ACCELERATE IMPLEMENTATION: It’s time for governments to spark change. Fast-track national implementation of NCD policy recommendations to drive rapid progress towards universal health and well-being, ensuring no one is left behind. It’s time to lead. ​
  • BREAK DOWN SILOES: Together, we can break down siloes and achieve stronger outcomes that surpass traditional boundaries. Leaders can achieve more through Integrated action.  
  • MOBILISE INVESTMENT: Unleash vital funding for NCD prevention and care to align resources with the magnitude of the challenge. World leaders can trigger impactful investment for healthier societies. ​
  • DELIVER ACCOUNTABILITY: Keep tabs, measure progress, and honour commitments for NCD prevention and care for the long haul. It's about leaders staying true to their promises, holding themselves accountable, and delivering on commitments to better health for all. ​  
  • ENGAGE COMMUNITIES: Activate community leadership and put people living with NCDs at the heart of NCD response collaborations.

The 2024-2025 Time to Lead on NCDs Campaign

In 2024 and 2025 the campaign will focus on the theme of leadership. It will call on leaders worldwide to step up and embrace a bold approach to reduce the burden of NCDs. It’s not just about making global promises—we need leaders at the top to roll up their sleeves and take real action on a local level. 

Policymakers and other leaders have a crucial opportunity to put in place practical, affordable solutions for NCDs. This isn’t just about paperwork; it’s about saving lives and making sure the future is brighter for everyone they represent.

In 2025, the campaign will take place from 18 to 25 September, to coincide with the fourth UN High-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases and the promotion of mental health and well-being. 


Use these quotes freely:

"Each year the Global Week for Action on NCDs campaign is testament of a mobilised and strong civil society calling for urgent action. We have the commitments and the solutions to create a healthier world for all. This is a crucial moment for governments and decision-makers to turn intent into action. It’s time to lead on reducing the NCD burden globally.”
Dr Monika Arora, President of the NCD Alliance
“The brutal fact is that, for many people in the world, the chances of surviving an NCD depend heavily on the ability to pay. To change this, we are calling on decision makers ahead of the 2025's High-Level Meeting on NCDs to fulfil their commitments and take bold action.”
Katie Dain, CEO of the NCD Alliance
“This year offers us a exceptional opportunity to make a lasting difference in the lives of people living with NCDs. 2025's United Nations High-Level Meeting on Noncommunicable Diseases is THE place for governments to align their commitments to deliver the needed investment in equitable and accessible health systems for all. The time to take the lead is now!"
Katie Dain, CEO of the NCD Alliance

Further reading on NCDs