Colombia leads the way to tackle salt-related diseases
Colombia is tackling excessive salt consumption head-on through policy initiatives that aim to protect population health.

Jordan puts NCDs at heart of UHC and humanitarian response
Jordan’s government and civil society are stepping up action to strengthen NCD prevention and care, working together as part of their commitment to Universal Health Coverage (UHC) to reduce the NCD burden among both refugees and vulnerable Jordanians.

Tackling oral disease in Thailand through UHC
In Thailand, oral health is a right, not a privilege. Discover how Thailand's government is turning the tide on oral disease through Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

Civil society and government join forces to accelerate cancer care for women
Rwanda - a regional leader in Universal Health Coverage - is helping women to detect and treat breast and cervical cancer earlier as part of government and civil society partnership to lower rates of undetected cancer.

Health taxes in the Philippines: proving that UHC is within reach of all countries
Can health taxes really improve health and help to fund UHC? The Philippines is living proof that yes, they can.

Small Island Developing States
Small Island Developing States commit to care through the Bridgeton Declaration
See how Small Island Developing States have committed to put human and planetary health before corporate interests with the Bridgetown Declaration.

Integrating NCDs in the HIV response to protect decades of progress
Decades of hard-worn progress in HIV control are now at risk as a result of the increasing prevalence of noncommunicable diseases among people living with HIV, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Only the integration of HIV and NCD health services can reverse this trend.