Round Table Meeting with HIV, TB and NCD stakeholders
To accelerate the journey to universal health coverage (UHC) there is a dire need to identify synergies between health sectors for collective action towards integrated care.
Given NCD Alliance’s recognition of how the bi-directional relationship between NCDs, HIV and TB reduces quality of life, undermines treatment outcomes and leads to premature mortality, integration of cross-learnings from the different health sectors, including making a case for increased investments and enhancing recognition of dual burden of diseases is essential. An in-person Round Table meeting was conducted by DakshamA Health (HIA member) and HIA on 30th August 2022.
The theme of the Round Table meeting was "Collective action towards integrated care- Cross learnings from NCD, TB and HIV programs”. Multiple stakeholders working on HIV, TB and NCDs, including those with lived experience of HIV, TB and NCDs came together to facilitate cross learnings across different health sectors on successfully increasing investments in the sectors, and community engagement strategies that meaningfully involve people with lived experiences. PLWHIV/TB and People living with NCDs shared their experiences and insights on meaningfully involving people with lived experiences.
Various prestigious professionals from Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India, World Health Organization (India), World Health Organization (SEARO), All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS, New Delhi), National Coalition of People Living with HIV in India, The Union South East Asia participated as speakers in the meeting. The meeting highlighted the need for integration of health sectors to effectively address needs of those living with multiple conditions and put forth the need for political and financial commitment towards the same.

Healthy India Alliance
New Delhi