GW4A: Event full list table

Displaying 70 events submitted this year
Event Region
Start date End date Organisation
NCDA priorities For the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) NCD Alliance
Enabling the Right to Health through Universal Health Coverage for People Living with NCDs NCD Alliance, World Health Organization, and The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust.
NCD Academy: New course on Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health American College of Cardiology, Viatris
Paying the Price: A deep dive into the household economic burden of care experienced by people living with noncommunicable diseases
Policy brief: Leaving no one behind THE ROLE OF LAW IN ADVANCING UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer
Explainer: What is Universal Health Coverage, and what does law have to do with it? McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer
WHO Global Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge WHO
Invest In and Engage People Living With NCDs: Next Steps to Realise Universal Health Coverage NCDA, The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust
Unpacking the expansion of NCD ‘best buys’ and their investment case: What does it mean for national NCD prevention and control? NCDA, Vital Strategies
DIÁLOGO REGIONAL: Acelerar el progreso en ENT en las Américas y el Caribe [Spanish version] CLAS, NCDA, Viatris
Accelerating Progress on NCDs and Universal Health Coverage in the Americas and the Caribbean CLAS, NCDA, Viatris
[Regional Dialogue] Accelerating Progress on NCDs: Connecting Universal Health Coverage Regional Priorities with the NCD Financing Agenda in the Americas and Caribbean NCD Alliance, CLAS Coalición América Saludable
RPSA Health Camp: NCDs Awareness, Screening and Health Education at Kayonza District Rwanda pharmaceutical student's association (RPSA)
NCD Civil Society Response in Support of the 2023 Bridgetown Declaration Healthy Carribean Coalition
Universal health coverage is a matter of equity, rights and jusitice Coalition of Partnerships for UHC and Global Health
Making the link between Women, NCDs and UHC at Women Deliver NCD Alliance
New CVD Risk Guideline and Calculator Launch Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance
Virtual Dialogue: cancer treatment in UHC UICC - Union for International Cancer Control
Radio discussion to raise awareness on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer Burundi NCD Alliance
Virtual Dialogue: palliative and survivorship care in UHC UICC - Union for International Cancer Control
Latin America United for UHC CLAS Coalición América Saludable, México Salud-Hable, Salud Justa, Fundación Foro Nacional de Cáncer (National Cancer Foundation Forum, Chile), Centro de Estudios para la Equidad y Gobernanza en los sistemas de salud (Guatemala)
World Alzheimer's Month Alzheimer's Disease International
Spending Wisely: Exploring the economic and societal benefits of integrating HIV/AIDS and NCDs service delivery NCD Alliance and RTI International
Nearly 75% of Global Deaths are Caused by Non-Communicable Diseases — How the G20 Can Help MSD, NCDA
"Carb Counting Camp for Insulin Users, Mastering Diabetes Management" TANZANIA NCD ALLIANCE
UN High-Level Meetings on Health: Webinar on keeping the momentum high UHC 2030 Coalition
Chronic kidney disease awareness infographics Scientific-Tools.Org
Letter to organizations ¡Global Week of Action on Noncommunicable Diseases! Mexico SaludHable
Outreach and Engagement on Diet and NCD Prevention Reconciliation and Development Association-RADA
The TD1 Community Fund - Request for Proposals Panorama Global
Cobertura Universal de Salud, ciencia y tecnología Salud Justa MX, México SaludHable
Conversation "Universal Health Coverage, Science and Technology" Mexico SaludHable
NCD Pooled Procurement Platform Solvoz and IDA
GWA2023 Week of Compassion: Caring in Action NCD Alliance Kenya
Conversatorio acerca de la Directriz de la OMS sobre el uso de EDULCORANTES no azúcar Alianza ENT Uruguay
Community conversation with People Living with NCDs Rwanda NCD Alliance
Press meeting with people living with NCDs, #ActOnNCDs Champion for the 2023 Global Week for Action on NCDs (Dr. Francois), NCD advocates and Experts, as well as decision-maker Rwanda NCD Alliance
Training session during on community-led monitoring (CLM) Malawi NCD Alliance
Action on NCDs: How the innovative pharmaceutical industry helps bridge the care gap IFPMA
semaine d'action mondiale sur les maladies non transmissibles Alliance des Organisations de lutte contre les Maladies Non Transmissibles-Côte d'Ivoire (AOMNT-CI)
Media Meeting for NCDs inclusion in UHC and Risk Factors Advocacy! TANZANIA NCD ALLIANCE
Letter to the Regional and Global UN Organization South East Asia Regional NCD Alliance
Open letter to the Prime Minister of People's Republic of Bangladesh on United Nations High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage 2023 and High-level Engagement during the Global Week for Action on NCDs Bangladesh Non-Communicable Diseases Forum
Towards Achieving Universal Health Coverage: Multistakeholder Gathering on Tackling Noncommunicable Diseases WHO, WDF, NCDA
Second virtual meeting of the multi-stakeholder working group on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Punjab on NP-NCD guidelines Healthy India Alliance
Public awareness campaign on diabetes type 1 and hypertension Burundi NCD Alliance
Octagonal Front of Package Warning Label Call to Action - Barbados Healthy Caribbean Coalition in partnership with the Barbados Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition
Empowering Together: Our Diabetes and Hypertension Support Group Meeting to Boost Awareness on NCD People to People Health Foundation
Movete con el DiabeTeam Fundación Diabetes Uruguay
Closing the gaps for NCDs Health Proactivists Initiative (HPI)
Webinar with Young People: Role of Youth in Mitigating the NCDs Care Gap Bangladesh Non-Communicable Diseases Forum
Open Dialogue with CSOs and Media on NCD and UHC Eastern Mediterranean NCD Alliance
First Team Find Solution King's College, London, UK
Open letter to United Nations Bangladesh on United Nations High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage 2023 and High-level Engagement during the Global Week for Action on NCDs Bangladesh Non-Communicable Diseases Forum
Open letter to United Nations on United Nations High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage 2023 and High-level Engagement during the Global Week for Action on NCDs Bangladesh Non-Communicable Diseases Forum
Campus With A Conscience NCD Malaysia
Webinar with SEAR NCDA Members: Navigating Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Southeast Asia South East Asia Regional NCD Alliance
Enhancing the health workforce through innovation ACC, NCDA, WHF, VIATRIS
Organize Global Week for Action on NCDs with CNCDA’s members Health Action Coordinating Committee/Cambodian NCD Alliance
Unlocking Universal Health Coverage 2030: The Power of Health Financing Health Finance Institue
Prioritizing Non Communicable Diseases in Cameroon’s UHC agenda. Cameroon NCD Alliance
Virtual Conference “High Level Political Declaration at the UN on Universal Health Coverage. Analysis and Opinion of Social Organizations” Mexico SaludHable
SYMPOSIUM "Voices of Resilience: Real Stories from Those Living with NCDs" TANZANIA NCD ALLIANCE
World Heart Day 2023 World Heart Federation
World Kidney Day The International Society of Nephrology
Time to Lead on NCDs! Charting the course to 2025: Priorities for the UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs NCD Alliance and World Heart Federation
National Telemedicine Conference 2024 Nairobi Kenya African Alliance for Health Research Economic Development